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Danabol has a very strong anabolic and androgenic effect giving a great build up of strength and muscle mass in its users.
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Deca Durabolin is the brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids.
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Anabol or Dianabol are both brand names for Methandrostenolone. it is without a doubt one of the best.generally considered the best mass-builder.
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Clomid� is the commonly referenced brand name for the drug clomiphene citrate. It is not an anabolic steroid, but a prescription drug generally prescribed to women as a fertility aid. Its action is to block and minimize the effects of estrogen in the body. It is very similar in structure and action to Nolvadex�. For athletic purposes, Clomid� does not offer a tremendous benefit to women. In men however, it will cause natural testosterone production to increase. This effect is especially beneficial to the athlete at the conclusion of a steroid cycle when testosterone levels are depressed. If testosterone levels are not brought beck to normal, a dramatic loss in size and strength is likely to occur once the anabolics have been removed. This is due to the fact that without testosterone the often referred to post-steroid crash can occur Which can quickly eat up much of your newly acquired muscle. Clomid� can play a crucial role in preventing this crash in athletic performance. Male users generally find that a daily intake of 50-100 mg (1-2 tablets) over a four to six week period will bring testosterone production back to an acceptable level. This raise in testosterone should occur slowly but evenly throughout the period of intake. Since an immediate boost in testosterone is often desirable, many prefer to combine Clomid� with HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) for the first week or two after the steroids have been removed. The kick-start from HCG also helps to restore the normal ability for the testes to respond to endogenous LH, which may be hindered for some time after the cycle is ended due to a prolonged state of inactivity. Once the HCG is stopped, the user continues treatment with Clomid� alone. When planning your ancillary drug program, it is also important to remember that injectable steroids can stay active for a long duration. In this case the athlete should wait for two to three weeks to a point where androgen levels will be diminishing. In addition to helping with the post-cycle testosterone crash, this drug can also help with elevated estrogen levels during a steroid cycle. A high estrogen level puts an athlete in serious risk of developing gynecomastia, which is an obvious unwanted side effect. Clomid can also be used as a maintenance anti-estrogen throughout the duration of steroid intake with good confidence, just as is done with Nolvadex�. But many may find it necessary to addition another antiestrogenic drug. The most common adjunct is Proviron�, an oral DHT used to competitively lower aromatase activity and raise the androgen to estrogen ratio. The Clomid/Nolvadex and Proviron� combination is extremely effective.Clomid� is considered a very safe drug. Bodybuilders seldom report any problems, but listed possible side effects do include hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches and temporarily blurred vision. Such side effects usually only appear in females however, as they feel the effects of estrogen manipulation much more readily than men.

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