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Danabol has a very strong anabolic and androgenic effect giving a great build up of strength and muscle mass in its users.
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Gains oAndrolic is the brand name for oxymetholone. Also know as Androlic or Anadrol It is without a doubt the strongest and most visibly active steroid to date. Not only does it act very rapidly, it causes a virtual explosion of mass.f up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks are not uncommon.
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�Gains oAndrolic is the brand name for oxymetholone. Also know as Androlic or Anadrol It is without a doubt the strongest and most visibly active steroid to date. Not only does it act very rapidly, it causes a virtual explosion of mass.f up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks are not uncommon. The gains made on oxymetholone are not the leanest and you would note a drastic smoothing out of the muscle due to estrogen-related fat (lipolysis) and water retention. The water component resulting from oxymetholone use is not be under-estimated either. The benefit of water retention is of course a lubrication of the joints, allowing the comfort of pain-free workouts even with extremely heavy weights, as well as the retention of more nutrients inside the cell, possibly leading to more permanent growth in muscle tissue. The downside to a massive water retention is that it gives you a rather puffed up look. With the estrogen increase comes the increased risk of more side-effects such as gynocomastia (growth of breast tissue in men). Therefore its always advised that a cycle of oxymetholone is accompanied by the use of an anti-estrogen such as Nolvadex. Nolvadex. . The use of oxymetholone should be strict and brief. While it is no doubt the strongest steroid, its also by far the most hazardous steroid to your health. Apart from the great risk of common steroid-related side-effects , it also has numerous other side-effects. Most notable is oxymetholone's hepatoxicity (damaging to the liver) : There is also a number of intrinsic side-effects noted with the use of this steroid. Headaches, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, insomnia and diarrhea are among common afflictions associated with oxymetholone use. Only strict doses of oxymetholone are used , only 1-2 tabs of 50 mg. The general rule of thumb is to use 0.5 or 0.6 mg per pound of bodyweight, Because of the negative effects on the liver, its often not used for more than a two or three weeks. The results are fast, but also fleeting and therapy is usually continued with another aromatizable compound, most likely a long acting testosterone like Sustanon. Under no circumstances should oxymetholone use exceed 6 weeks. When using oxymetholone, one should always consult a physician on a frequent basis and get your liver values checked. The effect on the blood pressure is drastic so its recommended that you use a anti-hypertensive drug in conjunction, especially if you already have a fairly high blood pressure. The use of Clomid or Nolvadex and HCG is advised as well towards the end of your oxymetholone use. Lastly, oxymetholone also has an ill effect on the glucose tolerance5, causing borderline diabetic situations. Something to be weary of if you yourself have been diagnosed with similar problems already. In conclusion one can safely state that the negative effects on the system associated with the use of this hormone are rather drastic and that the use is therefore not recommended for beginners, women or people who have pre-existing afflictions. Nonetheless oxymetholone remains a popular steroid among experienced users to kick-start a steroid cycle because of its magnificent increases in strength and size.

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