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Price: �18.00

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Danabol has a very strong anabolic and androgenic effect giving a great build up of strength and muscle mass in its users.
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Deca Durabolin 3 amps per box
3 amps per box
Deca Durabolin is the brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids.
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Di-anabol 10
Di-anabol 10
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Di-anabol 10 is a brand name for Methandrostenolone. More commonly known as Anabol or Dianabol it is without a doubt one of the best, if not the best product for people who compete in non-aerobic oriented sports. It promotes drastic protein synthesis, enhances glycogenolysis (repletion of glycogen after exercise) and stimulates strength in a very direct and fast-acting way. Methandrostenolone can provide immediate and visible results. One worry short term users of Anabol needn't fear is the dramatic shutdown of natural testosterone production as is often the case with very androgenic compounds. Of course this effect is dose-dependent. It still has a mild androgenic component, meaning in high doses (30+ mg daily) androgen-mediated side-effects can be noted (acne, male pattern hair loss). Smaller doses taken multiple times per day would deliver better results and maximal use of the steroid. Anabol is highly effective in low doses(25-40 mg ). The half-life of methandrostenolone in the body is only 3-6 hours so taking your daily dose spread over 3 or 4 doses may elicit a better effect than only 1 or 2 doses. Milligram for Milligram its more powerful than a testosterone ester, generally considered the best mass-builder. One drawback to spreading your dosages like this would be that the peak levels aren't quite as high since no large doses are taken all at once. People who take moderate to low doses of ONLY methandrostenolone should probably opt for a single morning dose. This delivers a higher peak level and more survival of your only steroid. Also due to Anabols short half-life, it makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its largest dose of natural testosterone, the early hours of sleep. You could keep a good amount of your gains when using clomid or Nolvadex post-cycle. For those using it in conjunction with other, mostly injectable steroids, two doses seems to be the better choice, if you are taking in excess of 40 mg a day perhaps even three doses. The general concensus is that methandrostenolone should never be used more than 6 weeks on end due its strong hepatoxic effects. Being largely an oral compound, its also 17-alpha-alkylated to help it survive the liver upon first pass. Liver values are elevated over a short period of time4, making long-term use a very dangerous affair. Liver values should return to normal quite fast after discontinuation however since the effects are so short-lived. Other risks associated with the use of methandrostenolone include the estrogenic side-effects. It is therefore best used in conjunction with an anti-estrogen. Despite its immediate, fast and explosive gains in both strength and mass, they are quite hard to maintain. Orally is perhaps the most powerful, although in the strength of effects it still can't hold a candle to Anadrol but its cheaper and safer than the aforementioned. In conclusion the best use for methandrostenolone is short-term, for 5-6 weeks, at the beginning of a longer bulking stack (10+ weeks), preferably injectable, to kickstart gains and strength. If using Anabol on its own it would be safer to do multiple short cycles. In that case one would take off at least as long as he was on during a cycle, preferably longer. Like 6 weeks on, followed by 6-10 weeks off. These multiple cycles were all the fashion among pro bodybuilders in the 70's with very decent results. When stacking with a longer-acting product, such as testosterone enanthate or cypionate, Deca or Equipoise, the best use is early on in the stack. Dianabol is a very fast-acting steroid and most injectables don't start showing their real value for 2-3 weeks. That makes it particularly useful to kick off a cycle with. It's most readily stacked with Deca-Durabolin or Primobolan, For short term use oral Primobolan makes a good match, and in lesser ways an oral Winstrol. Both provide a mild, lean foundation for the Dianabol and both are also 17-alpha alkylated, warranting short-term use. Dianabol aromatizes rather heavily, which means in a stack with another aromatizing compound the risk for gyno remains high and water retention is virtually a fact. Post-cycle the use of Clomid or Nolvadex can be employed to boost natural testosterone production and help you retain more of your gains.

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